
Ethernet Backhaul Direct EAD 1Gbit/s price reduction Broadband solutions for business Ethernet explained

The FlexZone is a geographical area where Openreach has more flexibility to meet customer's Ethernet and Optical (WDM) connectivity needs. The Flexzone described on this page is the same as the area that Ofcom refer to as 'WECLA' in their BCMR 2013 statement.

Within the FlexZone we have greater pricing freedom for services above 1Gbit/s and the potential to do things differently for services that are 1Gbit/s and below.

Where exactly is the FlexZone?

FlexZone covers postal sectors in Western, Eastern and Central London and parts of Slough. They are the same as the geographical area (WECLA) defined by Ofcom in their 2013 review*.

*It is possible that in future the list of postal sectors may change from time to time. Openreach will update customers on any changes.

Which products does FlexZone apply to?

FlexZone applies to the following Ethernet and Optical (WDM) products: 

  • Ethernet Access Direct (EAD) 
  • Optical Spectrum Services (OSS) 
  • Wholesale Extension Services (WES)
  • Wholesale End-to-End Services (WEES)
  • Ethernet Backhaul Direct (EBD) 
  • Backhaul Extension Services (BES)
  • Openreach Network Backhaul Services (ONBS)
  • Backhaul Network Services (BNS)

Which circuits fall within the FlexZone?

Circuits are considered inside the FlexZone if they connect either:

  • Two end user sites that both fall within FlexZone postal sectors, or
  • An end user site in a FlexZone postal sector to a network node inside or outside of the FlexZone, or
  • Two network nodes where the remote end of the backhaul circuit is in a FlexZone postal sector.

Why have FlexZones been introduced?

Ofcom regularly reviews the Business Connectivity markets, which includes Ethernet and Optical services - assessing the competitive environment, presence of competing networks, market shares, and other factors.

The 2013 review found competition for Ethernet and WDM (Optical) services to be greater in areas of Western, Eastern and Central London and Slough than in the rest of the UK.

The result was a decision not to impose regulation for Openreach Ethernet above 1Gbit/s services and Optical (WDM) circuits in this area (known as WECLA). We call this area the FlexZone.

Please note: Although applicable products, ONBS, BNS and some variants of WES/WEES/BES are no longer available for new supply.

FlexZone offers

Some offers may apply to certain products only, or to specific areas within the FlexZone, we'll always make this clear though.

FlexZone postcode checker

Check if either or both of your end user sites (or the remote end of a backhaul circuit) is within a FlexZone postal sector.