Generic Ethernet Access over FTTP (GEA-FTTP)

Broadband Infovision Awards GEA-FTTP 330/30 Mbit/s

Generic Ethernet Access over Fibre to the Premises (GEA-FTTP) enables you to offer superfast broadband to your SME and residential customers, develop new high-bandwidth services and win more business.

Key benefits:

  • Add the fastest possible broadband, offer multiple-play and develop new services to broaden your portfolio
  • Take advantage of our Managed Install service to provide hassle free installation of your router and your customer's equipment in a single appointment
  • Win more customers through offering fibre-based broadband services at speeds of up to 330Mbit/s
  • Cut your maintenance costs and offer a more reliable service to your customers
  • Maintain your competitive edge - no matter what your customers need in the future you'll be able to meet their needs with fibre-based services