Tell us something

problems with phone or broadband

Tell us what it's about and we'll put you in touch with the right team

We want to know immediately if you think that any part of our network (outside the boundary of your property) has the potential to be a danger to the general public, if you notice that it has been damaged, or to report unsafe Openreach worksites. We'd like you to call us on the Damage Reporting Number, 0800 023 2023  (Option 1), if you spot any of the following so we can attend to it quickly:

  • Damaged underground cables (typically caused by mechanical diggers in built-up areas)
  • Loose cables or cables dangling from telephone poles
  • Damaged green cabinets and/or open doors on them
  • Damaged telephone poles (e.g. poles leaning at awkward angles, or poles that have been completely smashed to the ground)
  • Loose, cracked or missing manhole covers

The following options are also available on the Damage Reporting Number 0800 023 2023:

  • Dial Before you Dig (Option 2)
    If you need us to come to site to show you where telephone cables are buried or you are local authorities wanting to report defective apparatus
  • External Network Relocation (Option 3)
    For the Relocation or Removal or Openreach poles, cables, joint boxes or BT equipment
  • Wayleaves (Option 4)
    If you required advice in relation to Wayleaves
  • Notice Handling (Option 5)
    For Notice Handling or our maps by email service for telephones cables

We also want to know if any of our work in progress or recently completed, concerns you as follows: 

  • We've been working in your area and have left a mess outside in the street that needs clearing up. Let us know here.
  • We've been working in your area and haven't put things back as they were. Let us know here.
  • You want to object to the recent installation of a street cabinet. Let us know here.
  • You want to report dangerous driving by an Openreach engineer. It would help us if you could let us know the registration number of the vehicle. Let us know here.

NOTE:  If you're having problems with your telephone or internet service, or you need to re-arrange an engineering appointment, contact your service provider. They can then raise the issue with us on your behalf.

We won’t have any of your account details so won’t be able to help. We have to wait until your service provider has asked us to investigate. So the quicker you contact them, the quicker we’ll be able to solve the problem. They’ll tell you when you can expect an Openreach engineer to visit and will be able to update you as things progress. Find out more by visiting our Expect Openreach site.