Infrastructure services forum

Information about the Infrastructure services forum

The Infrastructure services forum (ISF) takes place to ensure that Openreach customers have the opportunity to be informed and feedback on the latest news about developments and proposals for Exchange based Infrastructure related products (PoPs and Tie Cables) plus any specific market development initiatives. 

It also provides a platform to discuss and optimise any future opportunities and raise relevant commercial concerns which affect industry either as a whole or significant segments within the market.

The ISF is open to a number of representatives from all organisations who are Openreach's customers. It is aimed at those senior individuals in CPs' organisations who have responsibility for the operational process and development of Exchange based Infrastructure solutions.

Recent meeting collateral, including agendas, presentations, minutes of meetings, etc. is posted in the ISF collaboration area.

If you would like to know more, or to request access to the collaboration area, please contact Umais Manzoor. If you already have access then you can click on the link on your dashboard.

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