Optical Spectrum Extended Access (OSEA)

01 Feb 2024

Optical Spectrum Extended Access (OSEA)

Optical Spectrum Extended Access (OSEA) lets you move very large volumes of data between sites throughout the country.

How it works

OSEA relies on a signalling technique called wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). This is an efficient way to send more than one signal along an optical bearer (the fibre optic cables and equipment along the signal’s path).

Multiplexing gives each optical signal its own wavelength (or frequency), then combines these signals to send them to their destination at the same time. At the end of the path, the networking equipment separates out these wavelengths – or de-multiplexes them – before processing the data.

We can then configure these different wavelengths to support different protocols and carry different data – or even give you direct access to the fibres to configure your own wavelengths with OSEA 6500 Filter Connect. 

Using the Ciena 6500 equipment platform, OSEA is ideal for customers who need multiple high-bandwidth data channels, cost-efficient long-distance services and ultra-low latency. It can connect multiple sites and lets enterprise customers and data-centres offer more services and applications.

It supports “friendly alien” wavelengths, so you can carry traffic from other Ciena 6500-based networks across our fibre. And we also offer an ultra-low latency card option. With these options, you can create a package to give your customers exactly what they need.

You can bundle OSEA with local area networks (LANs), routers, outsourcing and management, as well as telehousing and content hosting services. 

OSEA 6500 Filter Connect

OSEA 6500  Filter Connect gives you direct access to the optical path. That means you can connect your own DWDM equipment using the spare filter ports. We need to manage at least one wavelength (though we can manage more if you need).

This gives you the best of both worlds: we’ll look after the fibre and manage the wavelengths, and you can develop your own services over the spare channels.

There are some restrictions: you can’t use OSEA to build, extend or replicate core networks.  Find out more here.


Here are some of the ways OSEA could work for you: 

  • versatile architecture – choose point-to-point, ring or chain topologies
  • long-distance – amplification options are great for long-distance routes
  • customisable – add ultra-low latency options or carry “friendly alien” wavelengths
  • dedicated fibre – low latency, and great for data security and service quality
  • expert design – planned to your brief and built with Ciena expertise
  • direct fibre access – tailor and manage how you use the optical path with Filter Connect.

Our suppliers 

We work in partnership  with Ciena, a market leader in Optical solutions, to deliver OSEA 6500. 

“The growth in video, collaboration and cloud-based applications is fuelling the ever-increasing demand for high-bandwidth network services. Our managed-service optical solution and ongoing partnership with Openreach mean that together, by investing in a next-generation network, we can help make sure that communications providers are able to address the changing needs of enterprise customers.”

Lorraine Twigg, head of partner strategy, EMEA at Ciena

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