Time related charges (TRCs)

01 Feb 2024

We use time related charges (TRCs) to cover the cost of work that isn’t included in our terms of service. For example, you’ll pay TRCs for work that doesn’t have a standard price or is outside normal hours. 


We also charge for time repairing faults that aren’t covered by our standard terms. They also apply to work we do beyond the network terminating point (NTP) at your customer’s site or moving network plant like network terminating equipment.


How it works

You can let us know what level of TRC you’re happy to approve before we start work. This banding lets you set an amount of time an engineer can work beyond the NTE.

By default, we don’t set any time. So you’ll need to let us know which band you want. The levels are:

• Band 1 – up to 2 hours of work

• Band 2 – up to 4 hours of work

• Band 3 – up to 6 hours of work

• Band 4 – unlimited


• Our engineers can spend the time they need to get the work right.

• Avoid unnecessary delays for your customers.

• More flexible – our engineers can work on customer-owned wiring or equipment.


Ethernet TRCs

For information on Ethernet TRCs please find them in the document section below.


The Service Products portfolio consists of a range of products and services that are applicable across WLR, LLU, Ethernet and NGA. The portfolio includes Common Portfolio Products, Number Portability, Managed End User Reappointment Service, Events and Exhibitions Day Rate Charges, Novation Charges, Project Services and Engineering services.

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