Gfast – ultrafast fibre broadband

01 February, 2024

 With download speeds of up to 330Mbps, Gfast means you can offer your customers ultrafast broadband. So they’ll be able to get everything they need from their broadband – both now and in the future


  • A better portfolio

Gfast is fibre-based ultrafast broadband. Use it to develop new high bandwidth services for your customers, meaning more revenue for you. You can also add flexible servicing options.

  • Easy installation

We can install your router and your customers’ equipment, all in one appointment. And with our “managed install” service we’ll make sure you have a working internet connection before we leave. Choose from standard for a basic set-up, or premium which includes full set-up, device connection, wiring and WiFi optimisation.

  • Be ready for the future 

Fibre-based services like Gfast mean you’ll be able to stay competitive – no matter what your customers need in the future.

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