Access Locate

01 Feb 2024

Access Locate

Access Locate lets you install your own equipment in our exchanges. Buy points of presence (PoPs), then either choose one of our co-mingling products or convert a co-mingling space you already have.

With Access Locate you can install equipment for:

  • wholesale extension services (WES)/WES local access
  • backhaul extension services (BES) aggregation
  • Openreach network backhaul services (ONBS)
  • broadcast access
  • street access
  • next generation access (NGA) handover port connectivity link
  • any new future connectivity services products we develop.

Access Locate Plus lets you install more demanding equipment for:

  • broadband servers
  • video servers
  • delivering private circuit termination
  • multi service interconnect link (MSIL).


  • You can install your equipment in exchanges to offer your own services using our network.
  • Choose from a wide range of PoP products to use with Access Locate.
  • Install more demanding equipment with Access Locate Plus.

Help and support

You can find information about using this site, advice on services and help with your account on our help and support pages.

Industry information

Are you interested in having a say in how the industry meets its customers’ needs? You can find out more about getting involved on our industry forum pages. 

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