Openreach Product Development Process(C2M)

01 Feb 2024

Product development at Openreach

We use our Concept to Market (C2M) process to develop new products and improve current ones. C2M is a framework which splits a project into stages with “gates” between each one:

Justify [Gate 0]

  • Define the problem and opportunity
  • Decide whether to go ahead
  • Get sponsor buy-in

Define [Gate 1]

  • Understand the environment it will affect
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Define and start designing the vision, strategy and target state

Design and cost [Gate 2]

  • Finalise the high-level design and costs
  • Get industry and internal agreement to consume the project
  • Request business case approval

Build and deploy [Gate 3]

  • Develop and test the solution
  • Refine the business case

Pilot [Gate 4]

  • Deploy the solution ready for launch
  • Check it’s working without significant issues
  • Consumed by operations (and a communications provider if needed)

Launch [Gate 5]

  • Product launch

Close [Gate 6]

  • Adopt the change as business as usual
  • Check we’re realising benefits
  • Review
  • C2M has six gates. 
  • When we reach each gate, we review the project to make sure we’re on course and should carry on. We use rigorous checklists for these reviews to make sure they’re thorough and consistent.
  • We engage with you during some of the stages. We might use industry forums, industry working groups or discussions to do that.


  • You know that we’ve properly evaluated and assessed developments by the time they’re ready to launch.
  • We work with you and industry forums to get input at the right time.
  • Having a defined process makes sure we develop the right products with tight governance.

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Industry information

Are you interested in having a say in how the industry meets its customers’ needs? You can find out more about getting involved on our industry forum pages. 

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