Dark Fibre X (DFX)

01 Feb 2024

DFX is a fibre product which gives you direct access to unlit fibre (that’s why it’s called “dark fibre”). So you can manage backhaul traffic between exchanges using your own equipment.

How does it work?

DFX offers an uncontended, unmonitored and unlit optical path over an end-to-end maximum distance of 86km between two exchanges (you can find out more about this in section 3 of the product description and the contract). Because it’s a passive service you use your own equipment to light the fibre.

You’ll need to make sure you have space and power in the two exchanges before you order DFX. You can get this with our local loop unbundling (LLU) and Access Locate products.


Clear pricing

DFX is a regulated product, which means Ofcom set the prices. So you’ll know exactly how much it’ll cost right from the start.

Control and flexibility

You add your own equipment. That means you can build bespoke network solutions, and choose which bandwidths to use. 

Choose from two options

You can order DFX as either a single fibre or fibre pair option. So you can get the best set-up for your needs.

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