Infrastructure solutions – changes to our network for developers

01 Feb 2024

If you’re refurbishing or extending a building, or developing a new site, you might need us to make changes to our network. Or you might want brand new infrastructure. Whatever the job, we’re happy to help.

What can we do?

Engineering jobs we can carry out include:

  • adding infrastructure to new housing developments – from single homes to sites of more than 1,000 houses 
  • Ethernet on new housing developments 
  • rearranging or moving our existing network 
  • building fibre networks for commercial sites (free for sites of 20 or more units)
  • adding ducts, cables and wiring for refurbishments or redevelopments 
  • building fibre infrastructure to new or existing apartment buildings and other multi-dwelling units 
  • moving distribution points, drop wires, poles and internal distribution connection boxes, underground ducts or cables 
  • out-of-hours work – we can carry out work in the evening so we don’t disrupt the day-to-day running of your business
  • housing stock refurbishment programmes and external wall insulation, including changing overhead infrastructure to cope with moving multiple drop wires.

How long will it take?


We aim to respond to all requests for work within five working days. First, we’ll check we can do what you want. Next we’ll ask you to pay us for a survey, or confirm you’re happy to accept our costs.


We’ll carry out a survey within 25 working days of getting your payment for this. This might take longer if we need to organise joint visits with you or a customer, or if we can only carry out the survey at a certain time.


Once you’ve accepted our costs or paid for the work after our survey, we’ll start work within 50 days. This might change if we need permits or special permissions.

How to ask for a change to our network

Call us on 0800 783 2023 and choose option 1 then option 2. We’re here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00. Or you can order on our website. 

How to check on an existing order

Call 0800 783 3333 and choose option 3, then option 1. We’re here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 19:30, Saturday from 08:00 to 18:00 and Sunday from 08:00 to 13:00. 


  • Openreach expertise: You’ll get our knowledge and advice on every part of your project. We’ll make sure everything is in the right place at the right time – helping you to meet your deadlines. And using a single supplier means less chance of things going wrong.
  • Break into new markets: Extend your reach to new areas of the UK or into new sectors.
  • Less hassle: Add our project management option and you’ll get a single point of contact to handle your infrastructure build. And we’ll also co-ordinate orders, delivery dates and installation for multiple products at the same site. 

Help and support

You can find information about using this site, advice on services and help with your account on our help and support pages.

How to get in touch 

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If you need help with anything that isn’t on this list, email us

Industry information

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