ETH008/22 OSA and OSEA Price Changes Update

03/02/2022  For Information

This briefing is for Communications Providers (CPs)

This briefing is to inform CPs about minor amendments to price changes to OSA and OSEA products notified on 27/01/2022.

On 27/01/2022 Openreach notified price changes to OSA and OSEA pricing for 2022/23. 

Following further review, we are now notifying a small number of minor amendments to this pricing.  These amendments comprise of one price increase and 2 product withdrawals. 

The product withdrawals will take effect from 04/05/2022 and the price increase will take effect from 01/06/2022.

This briefing supports ACCN OR769.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.