ETH021/23 Launch of OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single


For information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about the launch of OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single.

Openreach is announcing the launch of Optical Spectrum Access (OSA) 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single as new service features in the current OSA portfolio.

OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single offer a simple, filterless, unamplified 100Gbit/s managed service with a maximum fibre route distance of up to 65 kilometres.


  • OSA 100G Single: Client connection is via a single 100GE (gigabit ethernet) client connection at each end, or
  • OSA 100G Mux Single: Client connection is via ten 10GE client connections at each end.

Individual bearers are available with standard resilience (i.e. unprotected routes) or pairs of bearers can be protected using Resilience Option 2. Unlike other OSA options, OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single are not customisable.

Orders for OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single will be accepted from 18 July 2023.


This briefing supports Access Charge Change Notice ACCN OR857 available from

The updated OSA Product Description (version 4.2) is available alongside the current product description.

Pre-order designs and quotes for OSA 100G Single and OSA 100G Mux Single can be requested from 26 June 2023. New orders can be submitted via a new Customer Requirements Form (CRF) that will be available to download shortly before the launch date.

Suppliers Information Note (SIN) 489 for OSA will be updated prior to launch. This is available from the Openreach portal prior

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.