ETH048/22 Ethernet Cablelink exchange based order forecasting template


For Action

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs that a new exchange-based order forecasting template for all Ethernet Cablelink orders has been published on the Openreach Portal.

In addition, the new forecasting template enables a CP to provide additional information on the exchange location of the Ethernet Cablelink orders they are placing. Exchange level information is only relevant to External Variant orders (i.e. not the Internal Cablelink variants).

Whilst this is an optional facility, to ensure Openreach are able to appropriately resource the order volumes from industry, it is recommended that those CPs that are placing 3 or more External Variant Ethernet Cablelink orders to the same exchange, additional exchange level information is provided in the new forecasting template. It is recommended that for each of the quarterly forecasts that this information is also provided for the following 6 months.

The next contractual date for forecast submissions is 15 November 2022.

Exchange Forecasting Template can be found within the “Process documents” section here:

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.