ETH058/21 Ethernet Cablelink Product Description & SIN1001 update

22/12/2021   For information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about the publication of updates to the Ethernet Cablelink product description and the SIN1001 for the following changes to the product:

  • Variant Stop Sell
  • New COF401 Internal Cable

This briefing is to inform CPs about feature changes to the Ethernet Cablelink product description and SIN1001

Version 6 of the product description and version 1.3 of the SIN1001 are now available and will become effective following the formal 90-day notice period.

The new versions include the following feature changes:

  • Removal of Internal Variant 2 from the product description
  • Removal of the 48 Fibre cell site variant from product description
  • Addition of the COF401 cable specifications to SIN1001

Both version 6 of the product description & version 1.3 of SIN1001 together with the feature changes described above will be effective from 21 March 2022.  The current product description and SIN1001 will be removed at this time.

Product description can be found on the Openreach Portal here:

SIN1001 can be found on the Openreach Portal here:

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.