GEN097/22 Complex Fault to Fibre Trial


For information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about an upcoming complex fault to fibre trial CPs may wish to opt into.

As we transition from a copper based network to a full fibre network Openreach is looking at opportunities to migrate lines to this network where it is to everyone’s benefit (Reactive and Proactive migrations).

One of the most time-consuming copper repairs are those which require ‘2nd Stage’ work (excavations to get to cables for example). Openreach is proposing a trial to understand the potential benefits of installing FTTP in place of repairing the copper where an Openreach engineer attends a copper repair and identifies that 2nd stage work is required to repair the copper service.

Northern Ireland is being used for the trial due to the good mix of Copper customers who also have Fibre availability.

The trial period for the Complex to Fibre (C2F) trial is the six months from 12 January 2023 to 13 July 2023 inclusive. The trial will cover any orders where the C2F process is initiated between these dates.

To be eligible for fast-track (which enables us to offer an earlier FTTP installation), orders must be placed in Northern Ireland after being invited to do so by the Openreach desk agent.

The following products are in scope:













CPs interested in testing the concepts of Reactive and Proactive migrations should sign up to trial and sign the Trial Terms and Conditions document. CPs should sign up by 10/01/2023 to be eligible to participate from the start of the trial. Later participation is welcome; however, this will not extend the trial end date.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.