NGA2009/23 FTTP on Demand non-binding estimate and complex survey

10/05/2023    For Action

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about updates to FTTP on Demand, with a change to the use of the non-binding estimate and the introduction of a new complex survey. 

Openreach governance has approved changes for FTTP on Demand (FOD). 

The changes include the requirement for a mandatory non-binding estimate (NBE) to be requested by CPs ahead of placing a FOD L2C Order, and the introduction of a new Complex Survey for FOD (and other bespoke fibre build projects).

This briefing supports ACCN OR852.

Change to the FOD non-binding estimate (NBE) process

Currently, all FOD Orders are surveyed by Openreach as part of the planning, design and costing process and the Order cancellation rate is running at c90% following the site survey and confirmation of the build charge.

Therefore, in order to reduce the cancellation rate and associated wasted costs for both CPs and Openreach, from 10/08/23, it will become mandatory for all CPs to follow the FOD NBE process, prior to Openreach accepting and progressing a FOD Order to planning and survey.

On receipt of a FOD Order, where the NBE has not been requested/completed, the FOD Order will be placed into CP delay, pending action from the CP to request the NBE.  Following the NBE being provided, the CP will need to acknowledge the required budget for build and request Openreach to proceed to the FOD survey.

Furter details about the process will be shared at the upcoming CFPPG on 24/05/23.

Openreach would like to remind CPs that the FOD NBE is not binding (not capable of acceptance) but is illustrative of the Final Build Charge and will enable CPs and their end customers to understand the budget before placing a FOD Order and proceeding to survey (which is charged at £298.96 if the Order is not then progressed to build).

Openreach would like to request that CPs adopt the process change as early as possible, i.e., in advance of the official 10/08/23 process change date, with the purpose of reducing FOD Order cancellations at the earliest opportunity.

Following implementation of the change, Openreach will monitor the impact of the change against FOD Order cancellation rates.

Introduction of the Complex Survey 

From 10/06/23, Openreach will offer a new FOD Complex Survey option for CPs.

Upon request, Openreach will conduct a full, detailed survey, covering the network route from the end customer premises to the serving head end exchange.

It is anticipated that CPs will request this survey where a high build charge has been quoted by the FOD NBE, and there is an expectation that a full detailed survey will result in an improved network design and an adjusted cost for the FOD Build Charge.

Openreach would like to make CPs aware that:

  1. Following completion of the Complex Survey, the adjusted cost may result in an overall FOD Build Charge that is higher, lower, or equal to the original NBE.
  2. Where a CP proceeds to place a FOD Order following a Complex Survey, the CP will be liable for the final confirmed cost detailed in the Complex Survey.
  3. The Complex Survey Charge will be billed in all circumstances, as set out in the Openreach Price List, regardless of the outcome of the final confirmed cost (Final Build Charge) or progression to a FOD Order.

The FOD Complex Survey will be priced as follows:

  • Complex Survey Single Order/Lead Site: £2,932.00
  • Complex Survey Cluster per additional FOD site on same PON: £45.00

The Complex Survey will also be available for bespoke project requirements, where standard surveys will not meet the CP or end customer objectives.  This will be listed under the Project Services section of the Openreach Price List.

  • Bespoke complex project survey: Price on application.

Complex Survey will be operated as a standalone process and will be coordinated and managed by the Openreach Project Services Team.

Further details about the process for Complex Survey will be shared at the upcoming CFPPG on 24/05/23.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.