NGA2010/23 Launch of Equinox 2

24/05/2023    For information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform Communications Providers that following Ofcom’s decision published today, the Equinox 2 supplemental agreement will shortly be available for signature.

Further to our notification on 14 December 2022 of the GEA-FTTP Equinox 2 Offer (briefing NGA2018/22), we are pleased to note that Ofcom has now published its final statement following the review process, confirming that we are able to launch the Equinox 2 Offer.

As stated in our briefing of 17 March 2023 (briefing NGA2005/23), given Ofcom’s final decision is now confirmed, we will ensure that Communications Providers that sign up to Equinox 2 during the Contract Quarter ending 30 June 2023 will benefit from Equinox 2 pricing for that Contract Quarter as originally intended.

At the time of the notification of the Equinox 2 supplemental agreement, it was envisaged that Ofcom’s review would be completed by mid-March 2023.  As a result of Ofcom’s final decision being issued later than originally anticipated, it has been necessary to make some minor drafting changes to reflect this delay.  We have also taken the opportunity to make a few small drafting clarifications.  These minor drafting changes are not substantive and do not amend the terms of the Equinox 2 Offer as initially notified.

A clean version of the final form of the Equinox 2 supplemental agreement is available here (a comparison against the draft included in the 14 December 2022 notification is also available here).

Communications Providers who have already signed the existing Equinox contract will shortly be able to sign up to Equinox 2 and account managers will be in touch with all relevant Communications Providers directly to provide details of this process.

Alongside its Equinox 2 decision, Ofcom also published a letter from Clive Selley to Dame Melanie Dawes, setting out our plan of record following the launch of Equinox 2.  This letter can be found here.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.