NGA2019/22 Application of indexation to GEA-FTTP Equinox pricing for 2023/24, Equinox waiver relating to requirement for CPs to use specified order journeys in certain circumstances, and other GEA-FTTP price changes from 1 April 2023.

14/12/2022    For Information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to confirm Equinox pricing from 1 April 2023 as a result of indexation in accordance with the contract, and to inform CPs of a waiver relating to the requirement for CPs to use specified order journeys in certain circumstances.  CPs are also informed about changes to the list prices of GEA-FTTP products including FTTP, FVA and Fibre on Demand (FOD) (also effective from 1 April 2023).

Further to our notification on 1 July 2021 of the GEA-FTTP Equinox offer (briefing NGA2017/21), and in line with the terms and conditions of the offer relating to the application of indexation, using the reference value of CPI at 11.1% as measured at 31 October 2022, we provide below a summary of prices applicable from 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2024.

For the avoidance of doubt and save as set out below for changes to the prices, none of this briefing varies in any way the existing contract. All terms and conditions continue to apply, including qualifying criteria to apply discounts.

This briefing relates to the existing Equinox offer.  The pricing and terms that will apply under the new Equinox overlay (Equinox 2) for those CPs who choose to participate is being notified separately to this briefing.

Standard Connections

For the following speed variants only: 40/10, 55/10, 80/20, 115/20, 160/30, 220/30, 330/50, 550/75, 1000/115 Mbit/s


Generic Ethernet Access (FTTP) Standard Connection from 1/4/2023

Equinox 1 Charge from 1/4/2023 to 31/3/2024

New To Network – Residential Area 2



Non- New To Network – Residential Area 2






Generic Ethernet Access (FTTP) Monthly Rental from 1/4/2023

Equinox 1 Monthly Rental from 1/4/2023 to 31/3/2024

Up to 40Mbit/s / 10Mbit/s

£16.08 to £16.09 (Annual £193.04)

Per List Price

Up to 55Mbit/s / 10Mbit/s



Up to 80Mbit/s / 20Mbit/s



Up to 115Mbit/s / 20Mbit/s



Up to 160Mbit/s / 30Mbit/s



Up to 220Mbit/s / 30Mbit/s



Up to 330Mbit/s / 50Mbit/s



Up to 550Mbit/s / 75Mbit/s



Up to 1000Mbit/s / 115Mbit/s



10 Gigabit GEA Cablelink


GEA Cablelink Connection from 1/4/2023

Equinox 1 Charge from 1/4/2023 to 31/3/2024

10 Gigabit GEA Cablelink 



As a reminder, Equinox discounts for GEA Cablelinks only apply where a Layer 2 Switch is not supporting GEA-FTTC services

Equinox 1 ARPU share level


Equinox 1 Level from 1/4/2023 to 31/3/2024

ARPU share level  



This briefing supports ACCN OR827, which also covers changes to the list prices of GEA-FTTP products including FTTP, FVA and FOD.

”Managed Cease” tolerance

Openreach also informs CPs of a temporary waiver under the existing Equinox contract to provide an additional tolerance in relation to the requirement for CPs to use appropriate provide or migration order journeys in order to benefit from connection discounts on those orders.

Under the existing Equinox contract, CPs must use specified migration journeys where they order FTTP at a premises where a pre-existing copper service is active.  To reflect the specific scenario of home movers, Openreach will, on a temporary basis, allow CPs to benefit from connection discounts for up to 10% of their completed FTTP orders where there was an active copper service in place at the time of the FTTP order being received but where a basic provide order was placed.  For the remaining 90% of those orders, CPs should continue to use the appropriate migration journeys in order to benefit from connection discounts for those orders.  Affected CPs will be notified of this waiver under the Equinox contract.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.