Contact Us

  • Your first port of call is View My Job or the Order Tracker. If you need something more after this, then please Chat with EiVA  or call as below

    • WLR3 - Chat here
    • LLU - Chat here
    • Copper broadband (MPF/SMPF) - Chat here
    • Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) - Chat here
    • Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SOGEA) - Chat here
    • Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) - Chat here or Call 0800 783 3333 - options 2 then 2
    • - Chat here
    • Single Order G.Fast (SOGfast) - Chat here
    • Fibre Voice Access (FVA) - Chat here or Call 0800 783 3333 - options 2 then 3
    • Digital (ISDN2/30) - Call 0800 783 3333 - options 4 then 1 (ISDN2) or 2 (ISDN30)
    • Migration Services - Chat here
  • Your first port of call is Fault Tracker. If you need something more after this, then please Chat with EiVA  or call as below

    • PSTN/WLR3 - Chat here
    • LLU - Chat here
    • Copper broadband (MPF/SMPF) - Chat here
    • Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) - Chat here or call 0800 783 3333 - options 2 then 1
    • Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SOGEA) - Chat here
    • Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) - Chat here or Call 0800 783 3333 - options 2 then 2
    • - Chat here
    • Single Order G.Fast (SOGfast) - Chat here
    • Fibre Voice Access (FVA) - Chat here  or Call 0800 783 3333 - options 2 then 3
    • Digital (ISDN2/30) - Call 0800 783 3333 - options 4 then 1 (ISDN2) or 2 (ISDN30)
  • View My Job, Order and fault trackers have all the information you should need about your orders and faults with Openreach. So that's where you need to go to get all the detail.

    If you've got an existing case, check for the latest updates here.

    On the rare occasion you need more and specific info you can Chat with EiVA (Monday to Saturday, 8am - 6pm and sunday 10am - 4pm)with your questions and we'll help straight away. Or you can fill in this form and we'll come back to you within 7 working days. But if the information is already on the above systems for you, we'll point you back there so make sure you check them fully first.

    • Finding an address - Use the Address matching tool which can help you find the correct format of an address for your customer.
    • Fixing issues - Use the ORDI process to fix any issues an address or service ID. Click here for help with this process
    • Bronze addresses? - If you can only find a bronze address for your customer then you should place a bronze address provide order and once service is provided, a Gold address key will be created. Openreach can't create a silver or gold key manually for you without an order being placed.
  • If your customer is reporting an issue with their overhead or underground cable within the boundary of their property, you should report this as a damage fault through your usual process. Openreach will not attend unless you book it for us in these situations.

    For anything outside your customer’s boundary or if the issue relates to a pole or cabinet, your customer should use our Eiva chat option here or call 0800 023 2023 options 1 then 1, 24/7. We need to know about something that's unsafe ASAP so please report straight away.

  • We do all we can to avoid damage when we work but if it does happen, either you or advise your customer to email their details (name, address, contact number, email address) and a description of what’s happened (date, time, description of damage, photographs) to The public liability teams will then send out a claims pack within 48 hours and deal directly with the customer to fix things.

    • Is fibre available? - Check here.
    • In scope but not ready for an order? - Check here to see where we are with our fibre plans. There will be estimated timescales for when we think you should be able to place an order. Your customer can also keep an eye on this themselves at
    • Not in scope or exploring solutions? - Unfortunately this means we don't currently have a confirmed plan for fibre now, but we're adding to this all the time so ask your customer to keep an eye on for updates. Alternatively they can get together with their community and register for a Fibre Community Partnership. All the info about that is here.
    • What if you think there's an error with our fibre records? - This is quite rare but on occasion we do show an address of phone number can't have fibre when they actually can. Situations like the next door neighbour has fibre (we're talking houses next to each other, not houses far apart or houses on different streets) but your customer can't order it. If you come across this, please fill in this form and will look into it for you.
  • This is something you have to arrange and agree with your customer if they want compensation after a service issue or delay. Even if Openreach have caused the issue or delay. 

    Why? Openreach has Service Level Guarantees with you (our CP) where we automatically pay you if we cause an issue or delay. So anything your customer is asking for is for you to agree with them independently of Openreach. 

  • This is something you need to resolve with your customer if they raise a billing dispute after you've billed them. But if Openreach have charged you (our CP) for something you want to dispute you can find full details of what to do here.

  • This work is fully chargeable including an upfront Survey fee payable by the customer. So direct them to our Infrastructure Solutions team on 0800 783 2023. More info is available at

  • We never like to hear this but we're here to help. If you've got an existing case, check for the latest updates here. If it's about the quality of our work, how we've spoken to you or your customer or our parking or driving you can Chat with EiVA  (Monday to Saturday, 8am - 6pm and sunday 10am - 4pm) and we'll help straight away. 

    • Open order or fault? - Please follow the above options for an open order or live fault
    • Customers asking about permission/Wayleave agreements on private land? - Please ask them to go to for all the info they need.
  • Report this through the Customer IT Zone. This will be on the "My Dashboard" section of your Openreach Portal account. You'll need to be signed in to see this. The Customer IT Zone can also be accessed here.

  • Generic Risk Assessment Method Statement (GRAMS) - These are generic documents that cover the work a customer can expect from us. They're free to pass onto your customer and can be downloaded here.

     Site Specific Risk Assessment Method Statement (SSRAMS) - These are prepared bespoke for your customer. Here's some things to think about before requesting

    • These are chargeable and we'll bill you for them. Full information is available within your Customer Service Plan here
    • Has your customer had these from us before? If they're recent they could still be valid, rather than pay again, ask your customer to review their existing SSRAMS first
    • When requesting SSRAMS on an order, please make sure there is a minimum of 15 working days until the current appointment date
    • When requesting SSRAMS on a fault, please make sure there is a minimum of 6 working days until the current appointment date

    Ready to request SSRAMS? Then raise a case here.

    Getting updates on existing SSRAMS cases

    All case updates are published on View My Job or Fault Tracker. On the rare occasion you need more and specific information you can Chat with EiVA  (Monday to Saturday. 8am - 6pm and sunday 8am - 5pm) and we'll help straight