ETH031/20 Withdrawal of the suspend auto-cancellation waiver

07/08/2020    For Action

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform all CPs about the withdrawal of the suspend auto-cancellation waiver.

We'd previously published a briefing for CPs relating to the waiver of cancellation for orders in suspend, which was implemented to support customers during the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19.

The offer waived our right to cancel Ethernet Access Direct (EAD), Optical Spectrum Access (OSA), Optical Spectrum Extended Access (OSEA), Ethernet Backhaul Direct (EBD) and Dark Fibre Inter-Exchange (DFX) orders that had been in suspend for greater than 90 cumulative calendar days.

This briefing is to inform CPs that we are removing the waiver on 9 August 2020.