LLU007/21 Launch of out of hours multiple MPF tie pair retermination product

30/04/2021    For information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about the launch of a new out of hours multiple MPF tie pair retermination product.

Openreach will be launching an out of hours MPF tie pair modification (multiple retermination) product on 01/06/2021. This will enable CPs to move their end customers between different LLU equipment overnight, to minimise disruption during the normal working day. CPs will pay an increased price (in comparison to the normal working hours product) to have the multiple reterminations performed overnight.

To qualify for the out of hours service, CPs must provide a minimum of 10 orders per site and a minimum of 100 orders per SAM (Senior Area Manager) patch to ensure most efficient use of Openreach resource.

The product will be priced at £43.11 and will use the existing bulk project managed retermination process. This is explained here: Product migrations (openreach.co.uk)

Pre-jumpering will be carried out from Sunday night to Thursday night, with the reterminations fulfilled Monday morning to Friday morning (midnight to 6am).

This briefing does not currently apply in Northern Ireland.

This briefing supports ACCN OR718

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.