NGA003/20 SOGEA New Line Provide with Managed Install Special Offer

23/01/2020    For Information

This briefing is for SOGEA Communications Providers (CPs).

Price list entry correction on Special Offer for a SOGEA New Line Provide with a Standard or Premium Managed Install.

Following the briefing on the 30/12/2019 to announce a Special Offer being made available on SOGEA New Line Provide with Standard or Premium Managed Install, a clerical error was made on the price list entry for the Premium Managed Install, only. The price of £112 was correctly indicated on the initial CP customer briefing, but was submitted as £105 on the price list entry. This brief is being issued to alert CPs to the clerical error, confirm Special Offer’s prices as indicated in the initial CP customer briefing and inform that the price list entry will be updated to state the correct price of £112. As previously stated, this will be available for orders placed on/from 1 February 2020 until 31 July 2020. To confirm the Special Offer prices will be as follows:

  • SOGEA New Line Provide with Standard Managed installation at Premises £92 (current Standard price £105). This supersedes the Special Offer currently on SOGEA New Line Provide with Standard Managed installation at Premises which will expire on 31 January 2020.
  • SOGEA New Line Provide with Premium Managed installation at Premises £112 (current Standard price £125).

If you have any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager who’ll be happy to help.