NGA024/19 Special Offer on GEA-FTTC VDSL Managed Install

07/08/2019    For Information

This briefing is for NGA Communications Providers (CPs).

We're delighted to announce a six month special offer on GEA-FTTC VDSL Managed Install which will commence on 10 September 2019.

We're pleased to announce a new special offer on VDSL Managed Install which will be effective from 10 September 2019 and run for six months until 10 March 2020. Customers can use this offer on both standalone VDSL Managed Install journeys, as well when Managed Install is used in addition to a new Metallic Path Facility (MPF) or Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) line provide.

Customers can benefit from two sets of discounts for both existing and new volumes of Managed Install. To establish the level of existing volumes for each customer we will use the average of the last three months of VDSL Managed Install completed orders for that customer, this is orders for May, June and July 2019.

Discounted prices on existing volumes (aka baseline volumes):

  • £94 for Managed Engineer Install with CP Device
  • £90 for Managed Engineer Install with CP Device when used with MPF/WLR Connection – New Provide Standard

We have also secured 6,000 additional visits per month of VDSL Managed Install, which we will distribute equally among registered customers. Each participating customer will have a quota of incremental visits it can use above the baseline of existing volumes. Once we establish the number of participating customers, we will contact each CP to share the quantities of additional visits as well as the baseline derived from the average of last the three months for transparency.

Discounted prices on incremental volumes:

  • £80 for Managed Engineer Install with CP Device
  • £70 for Managed Engineer Install with CP Device when used with MPF/WLR Connection – New Provide Standard

Forecasting requirement

We will require participating CPs to provide a forecast for the incremental volumes of VDSL Managed Install for the duration of this special offer. This is to give our operational teams visibility of demand for the additional visits and enable better planning.Forecasts should be shared by 10 September 2019 and can be updated every three months.If customers go above their allowance of incremental visits, any orders above that allowance will be charged at the baseline rates.

Please note, if during the first two months of the special offer period a CP’s orders are 20 per cent or more below their forecasted number for each of those months, Openreach will revise down the quota of incremental orders for that CP going forward and equally re-distribute the unused capacity among other participants.


The discounts will be billed as a rebate on customer bills every two months during the special offer period.

In order to participate in this offer, interested customers should register and confirm their agreement to the terms by 21 August 2019 by contacting Chris McEwan (

This briefing supports ACCN OR596

If you've any questions about this briefing please get in touch with your business development manager who'll be happy to help.