Customer test services

01 Feb 2024

Check your systems and networks will work correctly with our products or services. 


Our customer test services will help you:

  • get experience of our network and the equivalence management platform (EMP) 
  • check how your network, devices and IT solutions work with the EMP 
  • fix any network or operational support systems issues 
  • test your end-to-end journeys
  • develop new products.

You’ll also have access to our customer development services team. They’ll help you with your testing, and with managing defects and issues.


Test services

Customer verification facility (CVF)

You can use our customer verification facility (CVF) to test new or existing functionality between your own operational support systems and our EMP. Because it gives you a like-for-like experience of most EMP functionality, you can check your systems will work with ours. That means you’ll know exactly how things will go once you’re up and running. You can also trial new EMP releases before they go live – so you’ll always be one step ahead.

NGA Flight Cases

If you’re a Next Generation Access (NGA) communications provider we strongly recommend you use a Flight Case. It’s a “network in a box” which simulates our Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) and Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) networks. You can use these at your sites to check your network works with ours, which could also help you avoid expensive problems later on. You can also test equipment at your customers’ premises for FTTC, FTTP, Multicast and CPE (customer premises equipment) enablement, giving them a better experience. 

NGA network test facilities

Use our NGA network test facility in Adastral Park, Suffolk to understand how to order and install a product from us. You can then carry out an end-to-end network test on the live network. So you’ll know exactly how the process will work when you do this for real, saving you time and money later on. 

You can also use the test facility for CPE enablement testing, and testing the live+1 network release (i.e. the next version of network software).