GEN098/19 Full Launch of Dark Fibre X product

22/11/2019    For Information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing informs CPs about the DFX Product that will be available from 20 December 2019.

We're pleased to announce the Full Launch of Dark Fibre X (DFX) from 20 December 2019. From Full Launch, CPs will be able to order DFX nationally. SLGs will also apply to orders placed after Full Launch.

CPs are free to order DFX upon successful completion of the DFX Establishment Process.

About Dark Fibre X

Dark Fibre refers to the provision of a fibre only service, without electronic equipment to light the fibre, on either end. DFX is our product name for a dark fibre service. DFX features include:

  • Available from 'BT only DF' (where there are no competing backhaul providers at the exchange or within 100 metres) exchanges to any other exchange.
  • Can be ordered as either a single fibre or a fibre pair.
  • 86km route limit.
  • 19-inch patch panel termination in an exchange.
  • 30 working days provision lead time (subject to survey and deemed consent).
  • 12 months minimum contract period.
  • Option of RO2 resilient routing.
  • Completion by CCD provision SLA and 18 hour repair SLA.
  • SLGs to apply from Full Launch.
  • DFX is available for CPs to order via our Equivalence Management Platform (EMP)
  • CPs will need to complete our DFX establishment process before they can order.

View DFX product information on our DFX Portal page and the price list on our Pricing Pages.

This briefing supports ACCN OR597.

If you have any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager who'll be happy to help.